About Us

Story About Us
Where it all began

Who are we?

HuBB is a collective of volunteers and activists well informed and willing to fight for a world where refugees and migrants rights are fulfilled.


Advocate for human rights, refugees and asylum seekers protection, and a high standard for the human life is one of our goals.

Direct Action

Create direct actions like petitions, gatherings, protests, and other actions.

Raising Awareness

By screening movies, host debates and talks we hope to raise awareness about some issued relating human rights violations.

History About Us

The collective HuBB started in Lisbon in 2018 by a group of young activists, much of them after their experience in the field, decided it was time to start the change from their hometown. Very quickly in the beginning of 2019 a similar group of activists in Porto decide to join efforts and also be part of HuBB.

Since the the beginning the collective was able to partner with organisation all over the world, create fundraising initiatives to support refugees and activists, to activate dozens of protests and gatherings in the public space, and to meet with politicians and political parties to shape their worldview in regards to humans rights and migrants rights in particular.

Want to get involved?

The best way to be involved is to become an activist, please contact us and we will tell you everything about our work.

If you don’t have time to donate your time you can always share our events and actions in your social media. We need you to help us spread the word!


We are a group of well committed and intentioned volunteers and activist, with your donation our work can have a deeper impact in the world. 


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