In the modern era, in a constantly changing world, migration is a reality that cannot be ignored. With this in mind, HuBB – Humans Before Borders, a dedicated group of healthcare professionals, is leading an important initiative aimed at reducing barriers to healthcare access for migrant individuals. Introducing the Healthcare HuBB Project, a training program...
Last March 29th we held another Migratory Get-Together at Casa da Horta. The theme of this tertulia was Education. We had the opportunity to hear practically all the participants about their vision for a world where Education is a tool for inclusion, development and evolution of people, but also a tool to start a revolution....
On March 22, 2023, a special event took place at the University of Minho in Braga, featuring the screening of the film "Route 4 - A Dreadful Journey." The organisations present at the event included Humans Before Borders, Porta Nova, and Sea-eye.
o passado dia 22 de Fevereiro de 2023 realizou-se a sua edição das Tertúlias Migratórias. Desta vez o encontro foi no Espiga no Porto. Contamos com a maravilhosa presença de cerca de 20 pessoas e o tema continuou a ser as Fronteiras. Apesar de não termos esgotado o tema das Fronteiras, muito mais há a...
No dia 26 de Maio a HuBB - Humans Before Borders participou no evento "Solidariedade com a Síria e Turquia" no Espiga no Porto. Pela voz da Beatriz Bartilotti Matos tivemos a oportunidade de mostrar a nossa visão sobre as fronteiras e a situação das migrações na Europa, a violência da Frontex e a violência...
On January 25th 2023 took place the first edition of the Migration Talks. This event counted with the presence of more than 36 people that gathered in Espaço Compasso to discuss broadly the borders theme. Between the definition of borders, the role of borders in Europe, Frontex, racial violence, several were the points of view...
O colectivo HuBB - Humans Before Borders iniciou um novo projecto participativo de discussão sobre diversos tópicos relacionados com Migrações, Refugiados, Liberdades e Garantias, Fronteiras, Educação e outros. Estas reuniões serão realizadas em diversos locais do Porto na última quarta feira de cada mês. O acesso será gratuito (às condições dos espaços onde se realizar)...
Winter is coming, and with it a lot of suffering for the thousands of people living in inhumane refugee camps in Greece. HuBB - Humans Before Borders in partnership with LHI – Lifting Hands International is organising a fundraising to buy and send winter clothes to the community centre that provides support to around 1000...