We created Jornadas Health Before Borders, an event that aims to increase the debate and knowledge in the area of migration and health, through the promotion of training activities for health professionals.
Health is a human right and one of the pillars for the integration of migrants into host societies. Insufficient access to health care is a barrier to inclusion, contributing to increased health vulnerability and affecting all spheres of life. However, in Portugal, as in the rest of the EU, there are still barriers to access health services by the migrant population, due to factors that derive from the migration process itself, and phenomena perpetuated by the the society. These include professionals’ poor knowledge of the legal framework and rights of migrants, communication mismatches and a lack of training in cross-cultural skills.
The aim of this project is to promote equity and justice in health. Specifically, we propose:
1) Giving visibility to the migrant population in Portugal, discussing the barriers encountered in accessing and using health services;
2) Reflecting on the importance of cross-cultural competencies in clinical practice and recognize the vulnerabilities that can affect the mental health of migrant people;
3) Learning about the experiences, opinions and expectations of migrant communities in Portugal;
4) Learning about strategies and resources for dealing with intersectional diversity in clinical practice.
Event created with the scientific sponsor of Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública. Jornadas Health Before Borders were organised independently , without financing from the pharmaceutical, tech or food industry.