
Last October 9th HuBB - Humans Before Borders participated in a post movie debate in the international anti-racist movie festival - MICAR from SOS Racismo. Miguel Duarte share his view as an activist after the screening of the Movie "Nós Viemos" from the Portuguese producer José Vieira.
Juntamo-nos no dia 30 de Setembro e 1 de Outubro, no Porto e Lisboa, para assistir ao documentário “The ice cream sellers” do Sohel Rahman, que retrata a vida de dois irmãos Rohingya - Ayas 10A e Asia 8A - que vendem gelados no maior campo de refugiados do mundo no Bangladesh, numa tentativa desesperada...
To celebrate the World Refugee Day, and to remind people of the tragedy that European borders are, HuBB activists on the World Refugee Day, issued symbolic parking tickets to cards in Lisbon and in Porto. This activity was announced here, and took place in Porto and in Lisbon, here we will leave you with the...
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